Thursday, September 15, 2011

Look Twice It's NOT Missoni (But It IS Under $25)

I know thousands of women across the country are waiting impatiently (like me)  for the Missoni for Target stock to be refilled. I don't have a date for when the marvelous zigzag patterns will be replenished, but I DO have an alternative for you.

While perusing Forever21 for my Celeb Steals I noticed a similar pattern...a colorful zigzag pattern at that. I didn't think anything of it until this morning when I noticed more than half a dozen different pieces with this same pattern.

Compare these pieces to Missoni, and try telling me you don't see a similarity.
Missoni for Target

NOT Missoni

I'm cooling my heels waiting on the re-stock for Missoni, but these Forever21 pieces may be just the thing to tide me over until it happens.

What do you think of Forever21's Missoni-esque items? Would you buy any of these just for the Missoni look?

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