Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year, New Fashion Resolution

I hate to make obligatory New Year's resolutions just to have an answer when someone asks, "So, what's your New Year's resolution?"

This year I'm skipping the health/fitness resolution in favor of something more fruitful (not to mention, easier to keep).

2012 will be my year of fun and fearless fashion!

I feel, as of late, that my outfit choices have turned into a routine. I have certain tops that I wear with certain bottoms and, to be frank, I'm bored.

But my big predicament is that I can't exactly afford to go out and buy a whole new wardrobe. My solution? Mix and match to find new outfits within my wardrobe, and add bold pieces to make it all look fresh.

Check out some of my inspiration!
Fashion Resolution

If you're looking for some inspiration for your fashion resolution check out Tumblr, Pinterest, or Polyvore!

What's your fashion resolution for 2012?

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